Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Justice Department not so Justice

Today I want to talk about the Justice Department and the expectations and what we are actually getting from it. The Justice Department is put in place to enforce all civil rights legislation. On July 5th, 2016 a 37 year old black man was assaulted, shot and killed by two officers. There is a video that went viral of the shooting where it clearly shows the man on the ground, while the officer grabs his gun and shoots him multiple times. There was a press conference shortly after that told us that this is being turned over to the FBI, mainly because of the video. It has now gone public that the Justice Department found insufficient evidence to press charges against the two cops. This man was a father of five, a man known well by his city and this is all our Justice department can do? Cover up a clearly wrong doing shooting? Its about time we start doing something about this, if we put the Justice Department there it's about time we change it.

1 comment:

Mariana Velasco said...

In response to my colleague’s blog titled” Justice Department not so Justice “ . Good well rounded blog post. I agree with you on changing the way we run our justice department. We should make decisions based on facts. To make this post a little more meaty I would add more current events going on and what decisions our justice department have made. You could also add some ideas on how we could make changes in our justice department. Good post and good topic.