Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Justice Department not so Justice

Today I want to talk about the Justice Department and the expectations and what we are actually getting from it. The Justice Department is put in place to enforce all civil rights legislation. On July 5th, 2016 a 37 year old black man was assaulted, shot and killed by two officers. There is a video that went viral of the shooting where it clearly shows the man on the ground, while the officer grabs his gun and shoots him multiple times. There was a press conference shortly after that told us that this is being turned over to the FBI, mainly because of the video. It has now gone public that the Justice Department found insufficient evidence to press charges against the two cops. This man was a father of five, a man known well by his city and this is all our Justice department can do? Cover up a clearly wrong doing shooting? Its about time we start doing something about this, if we put the Justice Department there it's about time we change it.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Fatima & Immigration

Today I would like to write about the effects of Immigration and who it effects the most. Particularly, I would like to talk about Fatima Avelica and her family. Everybody who lives with an immigrant or knows and Immigrant personally goes through most people worst nightmares. Their family being taken away. This is just one family being effected by ICE.
Fatima A. Here is link to the video of Fatima speaking at a press conference about the day she saw her father detained while on her way to school. ICE is not only taking away innocent people, they are taking family members, dads and mothers. Dads and mothers that their children need. Our president does not realize the effects he is making towards this country and how many great people he is kicking out of country for no good reason. 
Immigration is becoming more and more real as you see raids happening right beside you. As Texas being a neighbor to Mexico, people you know are probably being affected by ICE. People aren't being able to show up to work, open the door for people they don't know, and not be able to go visit their families. Immigration needs to be something that the United States government needs to deal with in a better way. There has to be a better way than to go show up at people homes and take someone's dad away. 

Friday, February 24, 2017

"Picking fights with Mexico will be at our own peril"

Ricardo Ainslie wrote the commentary article for the American Statesman “Picking fights with Mexico will be at our own peril.” Ricardo Ainslie is a professor at the University of Austin, and serves on the editorial board of several academic journals. His article is toward the audience of the readers of the American Statesman and the national government. The argument he is claiming in the article is that with the U.S and Mexico’s relationship being at an all-time low, it is going to affect our economy along with Mexico’s. “The employment of 5 million to 6 million Americans is directly tied to trade with Mexico.” He talks about Texas being at a bigger stake than the rest of the U.S. partly being because we cover 2/3 of the Mexican Border. American Security depends on Mexican stability and if “the wall is built” that affects Americans also. Ainslie’s logic in this article is that we are hurting ourselves just as much as we are hurting a country that depends on us. “It is critical that the Trump administration tone down the rhetoric and engage Mexico as a meaningful economic and security partner.” I agree with Ainslie 100 percent throughout the whole article. Someone that is qualified and understands both sides of the wall, finally put into words what most Americans and Texans are thinking. Our president is putting way more up than just a wall, he is putting up economic problems, family problems for people we might know personally, and more problems we simply do not need. At the end of this article Ainslie says “Our political leadership in Texas has a special role to play at this time, given Mexico’s unique importance to Texas in economic, security and cultural terms.” This article is certainly something to think about.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Trump & Heartburn

In the Houston Chronicles, Eric Tucker writes the post ""Trump's Comments most likely to cause U.S. Lawyers heartburn" Tucker talks about the no filter our President has on the social media, Twitter. He quotes Eric Posner, a law professor from the University of Chicago when he says "This is what is so surprising about Trump's statements and his use of twitter: He says all kinds of things that undermine the claims that the government is making in litigation."
I think this is great read because its nice to be informed how our President has certain characteristics that a president should not have. Also how he has no kind of respect for our other government officials just because they simply do not have the same opinion as him.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017